• Expressions of interest
  • Application
  • Assessment
  • Commencement
  • Managing your project
  • Completion

Expressions of interest

Expressions of interest

Expressions of Interest (EOI) to seek capital grants funding open in December each year, for grant sub rounds held in September and March. While this is optional, it is recommended as it assists the CBGA in reserving funds across both sub rounds.

This part of the process allows the CBGA to have preliminary discussions with the applicant before committing significant resources to preparing and submitting a full proposal.

Each EOI should include the following:
  • Application Type – High Growth, New Places, Existing Places, Boarding or Teacher Housing
  • Level of School – Primary, Secondary, Combined (Mixed), Special or Special Assistance 
  • Sub-Round – September (Main Sub-Round) or March (Supplementary Sub-Round).

Diocesan Systems can indicate multiple schools, while non-systemic schools can submit individually.

EOI’s should include the School Owner as approved by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and authorised by the Delegated Approved Authority as provided in the CBGA Membership Agreement between the CSNSW and applicant.

Expression of Interest Form



The application process requires a full proposal for capital grant funding to be prepared and submitted by the Delegated Approved Authority before the end of Term 2. Applications are completed in a print form and online application systems.

Each proposal requires:
  • An explanation as to why existing facilities create an educational disadvantage through lack of space, or poor condition (excluding maintenance), functionality, or location/relationship.
  • Details on what is being proposed to address the disadvantage.
  • Existing and proposed drawing sets to be in a particular format and coloured consistently for the expert panel to identify key aspects of the application.

The following information is required for the application to be considered:

Main Round Applications (September) Supplementary Round Applications (March)
Past five year student enrolments for each year and grade for each school and projected enrolments for the next five years for each year and grade. Past five year student enrolments for each year and grade for each school and projected enrolments for the next five years for each year and grade.
Inventory of existing spaces with description, area (to one decimal place) and usage of each space as defined by the CBGA Inventory of existing spaces with description, area (to one decimal place) and usage of each space as defined by the CBGA.
Complete set of drawings that show the site layout and detail each block and space reflected in the existing inventory list Complete set of drawings that show the site layout and detail each block and space reflected in the existing inventory list.
A copy of the maintenance plan, current Property Insurance Certificate and NESA registration certificate A copy of the maintenance plan, current Property Insurance Certificate and NESA registration certificate
Inventory of proposed spaces with description, area (to one decimal place) and usage of each space as defined by the CBGA Not required with initial application submission
Complete set of drawings that show the site layout and detail proposed work within each block and space reflected in the proposed inventory list. Not required with initial application submission
A master plan for the school showing the context of the proposed work. Not required with initial application submission

For more information on the application process, please contact us.



The CBGA considers and independently validates all factors that the applicant has presented in setting out the reasons for the project. The assessment will be carried out by experienced professionals using criteria developed over the past five years.

The assessment of applications is carried out in three parts:
  • Desktop review and check application data submitted by applicant.
  • Site visit to understand context of the school and where necessary clarify any issues identified in the desktop review. This should involve the Principal, architect and other officers associated with the prepartion of the application.
  • Consideration of information obtained during the site visit.
For resources and templates, click here.



Successful applicants will receive an official letter notifying them of the successful application. Certain conditions and recognition will be required at various stages of the project, as detailed in the contracts signed as part of the application process.

  • Send letter of acceptance by due date to CBGA
  • Send copy of signed builder’s contract
  • Notify CBGA of commencement date and expected completion date
  • Provide bank account details for the deposit of grant funds
For resources and templates, click here.

Managing your project

Managing your project

Once construction commences a progressive expenditure statement must be provided by the first week of every month during the project’s construction. Reporting is still required even if there is no expenditure for a particular month.

  • For projects estimated more than $75,000, an appropriately sized sign should be displayed during the construction period
For resources and templates, click here.



Once your project is completed, your school can celebrate its success with the school community and relevant representatives through a blessing/opening ceremony.

  • Within 3 months of the project’s completion send the architect’s certificate and the accountant’s certificate to confirm that all contractual obligations have been fulfilled
  • Within 7 months of completion of the project an invitation must be sent to the NSW Education Minister to attend the opening ceremony
For resources and templates, click here.
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